into the wild
Funded by the Federal Government Commissioners
for Culture and the Media.

into the wild
Images that
oscillate between photography and painting.
colours emerge in multiple layers,
like something hidden within memory.
erika anna schumacher, crossmedia 2021/2022

"Shop for memories
and desire"
"Memory demands an Image"
Bertrand Russell
Inside the shop for memories and desire, the pictures leave the wall.
Red threads spinning through the space, creating references and situations through which the visitor passes. Maybe also in search of own recollections and longings.
Like a network of thoughts - images and scenes combine on different levels depending on your imgaination..
"My Monopol"
- ein Palimpsest
A cutting section of 12 x 12 cm from a monopol - art magazine is worked on with different media.
Own texts, pictures, overwriting,
painting, altering, change or complement the remained content and generate a new context - my monopol.
Cover of "My Monopol"