


Studio in Düsseldorf, Germany
work and exhibitions international

Artist Residence Mexico City
SPVM School of Photography and Visual Media Mexico
IPS International Photography School Berlin 

professional qualification "Fotofilm"
Federal Academy Wolfenbüttel

professional development
"Seeing through Photographs"
with Curator Sarah Meister at the MOMA, New York 

Master class graduate fine art at fadbk/HBK Essen
Graduation with distinction

studied art photography/ painting/ interdisciplinary work with 
Prof. Wolfgang Hambrecht, Bernard Lokai and Tom Zika at the 
Academy of Fine Arts Essen

DAAD one year scholarship
Canterbury College Art&Architecture, England

Diplom Architecture, PBSA Düsseldorf
Diplom Project-Management, University Wuppertal


- MKW-Stipendium #3

- MKW-Stipendium #2
  for the project ART FAIR ARCHIVE

- International LensCulture Street Photography Award
- The Photo Review Competition 2020 Prize Winner 
- Women street photographers New York Artist Residency short list
- MKW-Stipendium #1

- Artist in Residence at MAMM Multimedia Art Museum Moscow
- Stipendium of the City Düsseldorf

Travel and work in Europe, Africa, India,
Asia, North and South America, Mexico

Languages: German, English, French,
basic Spanish, Italien, Kisuaheli, Russian

Lecturer for creative architecture photography at
the Academy Chamber of Architects

Leading Photography-Workshops in Düsseldorf, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Friedrichshafen, Langen Foundation Neuss, Museum Insel Hombroich, Museum Folkwang Essen
Masterclass Photography Moscow



BERLIN < > MEXICO, International Photography School, Berlin
FLAUSENRAUSCH, plan.d., Düsseldorf 
Kunstpunkte 2024, Düsseldorf

Erika Anna Schumacher, Rathaus Korschenbroich (E)
250 Druckgrafiken für Caspar David Friedrich, Rathausgalerie Greifswald
Frühjahrsausstellung, Galerie Coelner Zimmer, Düsseldorf

No space between us
, SPVM, Mexico City
New York Rhythm, Gallery
Coelner Zimmer, Düsseldorf (E) 
kommen sie nach hause 19 Köln, Steff Adams, Cologne
kommen sie nach hause 19 Oostende, Huis van Sylvain Smis, Oostende, Belgium
Das kleine Wunder, Gallery plan.d., Düsseldorf 

LensCulture New York 2022,
Caelum Gallery, New York, USA
Cool Art for Hot Days, Contemporary Art Salon Williamsville, New York, USA 
Fotografie, Malerei und Grafiken, Coelner Zimmer, Düsseldorf
Mysterious Nights and Shining Days, VASA-Project.com
LOOK + FEEL, Teloy Mühle, Meerbusch 

Separate Reality / MISSING
, Gallery Coelner Zimmer, Düsseldorf, (E) Catalog
The Photo Review Best Of Show , Philadelphia Photo Arts Center, Philadelphia, USA
Die Kunst des Wartens, Kunstforum Eifel, Schleiden-Gemünd
Flugversuche, Kunstforum Eifel, Schleiden-Gemünd
Black and White 2021, Black Box Gallery, Portland, Oregon, USA , Catalog

Düsseldorf Photo+, NKR
Neuer Kunstraum Düsseldorf
Kunst im Fluss 2020 - Abstrakte Fotografie, KunstForumEifel
flatterausstellung, plan.d., Düsseldorf
Best-of, Galerie Coelner Zimmer, Düsseldorf
kommen sie nach hause 18, Heidelberg
LensCulture Award Winners, Paris 

Back from Moscow,
Atelier am Eck, Düsseldorf (E)
und die Wände schauen zurück, plan.d., Düsseldorf (G)
PHOTIKONA, Bergerie des arts, Düsseldorf (E)
Jahresausstellung Meerbuscher Künstler, Meerbusch (G)
Kunst aus Meerbusch, Teloy Mühle, Meerbusch (G)
Kunstkreis Meerbusch, Teloy Mühle, Meerbusch (G)

#UNDER CONSTRUCTION, Multimedia Art Museum Moscow (E)

Ambiguous and Paradox, Galerie Coelner Zimmer, Düsseldorf (G)
Duesseldorf Photoweekend 2018 (G)
Duesseldorf Photo 2018 (G)
Atelier des Peintres du Marais, Paris (E)
20eme Salon des Peintres du Marais, Paris (G)

Jahresausstellung Kunstkreis Meerbusch (G)
8 Künstlerinnen- 8 Blickwinkel, Meerbusch (G)

Les Journées de la Peinture, Place des Vosges, Paris (G)
künstler_innen from düsseldorf at plan.d., Düsseldorf (G)
Kunstpunkte - Offene Ateliers Düsseldorf


Düsseldorf Photo Weekend 2016, Unique No.3, Galerie Coelner Zimmer, Düsseldorf (E)
kunst im blick, Kunstverein Korschenbroich - Katalog (G)
Open Space, Galerie Coelner Zimmer, Düsseldorf (G)
Off-Raum Flingern 15, Düsseldorf (G)
Beautiful Backstreets, Fellows Gallery, Miami, US (E) as Alumna of Baustelle Schaustelle
Collaboration between Baustelle Schaustelle and the Florida International University
The Hardline Show, Curator's Voice Art Projects-Contemporary Art,
Wynwood Art District, Miami, US (G)
Malerei, Fotografie, Objekte, Kunstraum Scheidt´sche Hallen, Essen (G)
Quinär, Künstlerforum Remagen (G) 
Mangroven sind anders, Lesung Off-Raum Flingern 15, Düsseldorf (E)
Schumacher & Schubert, Lesung Buch- u. Kunstkabinett Mönter, Meerbusch (G)
Laden für Erinnerungen & Sehnsüchte, Installation, Konzept-Raum Nettetal (E)

urban stories, Oro Fino, Düsseldorf (E)
émerger mit Brigitte Corbisier und James aus Belgien,
Off-Raum Flingern 15, Düsseldorf (G)
Review 2014 Summeracademy Photography, HDK Essen, Katalog (G)
done and dusted, Galerie Künstlerbunker, Leverkusen (G)
kunst im blick, Kunstverein Korschenbroich, Katalog (G)
erika anna schumacher - miami lost & found ,
Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Miami, US (E)

Parallelstelle der baustelle schaustelle - Raum für junge Kunst Essen
Double Impact, Amtsgericht und Landgericht Düsseldorf (E)
Lots Of Art, Städtische Galerie Bottrop - Katalog (G)
everyone you ever had a relation with - hommage an The Tent von Tracey Emin,
d-52. raum für zeitgenössische kunst, Düsseldorf (G)

miles and more..., Galerie interior concept, Meerbusch (E)
Menschenbilder, Galerie interior concept, Meerbusch (E)
Urban Code, Canonicus Loft, Düsseldorf (E)
5 Jahre baustelle schaustelle, Raum für junge Kunst, Essen (G)

Moment mal 2, Galerie SK, Solingen (G)
Natur pur, Stadtmuseum Hadamar (G)

coming soon, Galerie SK, Solingen (E)
no parking, Galerie Blickfang, Wuppertal (E)
Moment mal, Galerie SK, Solingen (G)
Wechselfeld, artclub-galerie, Köln (G)
Inside Out, Kunsthaus Rhenania, Köln (G)
Examensausstellung fadbk/ HBK, Essen (E)
Begegnungen, Galerie Blickfang, Wuppertal (E)
Glänzende Aussichten, Galerie KU28, Essen (G)
Wir machen Druck, fadbk/ HBK Essen (G)
malerei + X, baustelle schaustelle, Raum für junge Kunst, Essen (E)
297 x 420 - alles im Maß, Galerie KU28 Essen - Katalog (G)
Wir haben uns sehr um die Prinzessin bemüht, fadbk/HBK Essen (G)
Kraftzentrale, Düsseldorf - Katalog (G)
bonnova, Frauenmuseum Bonn - Katalog (G)



Galerie für Medienkunst
Rainer Rehfeld


Düsseldorf/ Essen/ Miami
non profit art-space
Brigitte Krieger


Kamikaze Hearts, Erika Anna Schumacher
Kamikaze Hearts, Erika Anna Schumacher



"Our inaugural book is a love letter from our vibrant photography community in the state of New York. From the quiet corners of small towns to the bustling streets of the city, from iconic landmarks to breathtaking landscapes, we celebrate 66 photographers exploring the nuances of New York. Let their unique visual storytelling inspire you to rediscover the beautiful diversity of New York in new ways through their lens."
@karen.ghostlaw and @thepictorial.list 

 I am happy to be one of the photographers whose work was selected for this book to tell the story of New York's diversity through their camera.

Book Launch
Oktober, 19th, 2024, 14:00-20:00
Bank Art Gallery, 94 Broadway
Newburgh, New York

VASA Journal on Images and Culture (VJIC)
an international online journal related to photography, digital media, and visual culture

"Only Woman Can Do That: The feminine element in photography"
Edited and curated by Sabine Kutt, art curator and photographer

The curator, Sabine Kutt, selected my photography for a special exhibition of women photographers. Sabine also interviewed me in-depth about the intentions and the background of my work; please view it on the pages linked below. 

Interview >>> 

Exhibition >>>   "Mysterious Nights and Shining Days"

Black Box Gallery
Black and White: 2021
Exhibition Catalog

A juried group photo show on black and white photography
at Black Box Gallery, Portland, USA.

Black and White: 2021 by Black Box Gallery | Blurb Books 

Digital Camera

The UK´s best-selling photography magazine
Ausgabe 238, Februar 2021

"Hotshots: A gallery of work from the Woman Street Photographers" 
The article features photographs by the ten finalists of the
Woman Street Photographers New York Competition 2020,
including my work from the Miami Night Urban Cinema series.

Inoventa Awards MAGAZINE

I II III IV Fine Art Photography 2021 

My photograph has been selected from 1749 total entries to be published in the yearly magazine of Inoventa Awards !
A selection of some of the best entries from Inoventa international photography Awards, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th editions.

The Washington Post  

The Washington Post published an excellent article about street photography, including one of my photos from the LensCulture Street Photography Awards 2020. 

edge of humanity magazine

has published photos of my series
"Lost In The Urban Nights Of Miami"
July 8, 2020

FLIP Magazine 

The summer issue in 2016 of the FLIP Magazine carries the title "ADVENTURE"
and the cover and the back image shows photos of my Project Urban Cinema.
More from my photo works are to be seen in the magazine, selected by

Frank Orthbandt, the editor of  the FLIP Magazine.

FLIP is an independent magazine, from London Independent Photography
(LIP) which is published three times per year.

It is available at different places in London,
like Photographers Gallery Bookshop,
Nationwide portrait Gallery Bookshop,
Whitechapel Gallery Bookshop and many more.

Order your copy here: